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Come join us Monday August 12, 2013 for an amazing evening of kayaking and star gazing during the height of the Perseid meteor shower. Our expert astronomer Tony Berendsen will guide you through the sky. As you kayak along the North shore during sunset keep an eye out for Saturn. It will be near the moon in the evening hours providing a nice prelude to the late night Perseid show. The Perseid meteor shower comes to the Northern Hemisphere when the weather is warm. At the peak of the shower it is common for viewers to see between 50 and 100 meteors an hour. Our clear mountain air and limited light pollution make Lake Tahoe a great destination to view this naturally occurring phenomenon. Ask Tony to show you Perseus the Hero constellation as the shower will mainly radiate through this section of the sky. The meteors are fast and bright leaving persistent trains as they fly through the sky. Don't forget to bring some warm layers and a comfy blanket because temperatures will drop if you choose to stay for the height of show, which will occur during late night and early morning hours. Click here for more information and to book your tour.
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