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Get Serious About Getting Outside

Get Serious About Getting Outside

10/6/2015 |


Why? The science is irrefutable: those who spend time outdoors are happier and healthier. Here are some of the highlights:

-Being outside can increase your quality of sleep, as natural sunlight helps to guide the body’s internal clock.
-Get your vitamins: Sunlight is a natural source of vitamin D, which has been shown to help prevent cancer, hormonal problems, obesity, and inflammation. It also strengthens the immune system. With proper SPF protection and reasonable exposure we can safely enjoy some sunshine. Plus, natural light has been proven to lift your mood—who can argue with that?
-Being outdoors invites activity: With more ways to put your body in motion, and less access to the couch and television, outside time is exercise time.
-Even as little as five minutes of time outdoors will benefit your mental health, according to the American Chemical Society's journal Environmental Science & Technology, whether you are sitting on a park bench or taking on a strenuous hike.

Sources: health.harvard.edu, sparkpeople.com

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