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Name: Tyler Post
Years with TAC: 6

Education: Arizona State University, Physical education; St. Mary's College, Health, Physical education and recreation

Leadership Experience: Head sophomore baseball coach, assistant varsity baseball coach, supervisor on ski trips, outdoor education trips and athletic events with high school students; National Ski Patroler at Squaw Valley; running a ropes course; and being a big brother!

Favorite Adventure Trips: Too many to say: hiking the John Muir Trail; bike touring Highway 1 from Oregon to Los Angeles; road trip to all 50 states; volunteering at an animal refugee farm in Namibia; and trying to summit all the high points in the states (currently at 35).

Favorite Sport: backpacking, mountain biking, skiing, wake boarding, running, swimming, SUP paddling, skate skiing, biking, scuba diving and kayaking.

Favorite TAC Trip: Sand Harbor: clear waters, big boulders and white sands never gets old.

Other than guiding: New experiences and new people are what makes me get up and go. Nature and the outdoors are my church.

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