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We are entering prime leaf-peeping season! The end of September through the month of October is the best time to enjoy the fall foliage in Lake Tahoe. Golden aspens earn their name this time of year, when their amber leaves make a striking contrast with the rich green of neighboring pine and fir trees. For a scenic drive, take Highway 89 from Truckee to South Lake Tahoe, following the Truckee River Canyon upstream to the lake and continuing south along the stunning West Shore. Pulling over at Emerald Bay is a must, where you can take in the contrast of turquoise water, green conifers, and vibrant foliage. Or, take a trip to Spooner Lake on Nevada's East Shore, where lakeside Aspen groves make a peaceful setting.
Curious about what really causes the leaves to change colors? Blake Engelhardt, botanist with the Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit, told Lake Tahoe News: "During the summer growing season, the leaves are constantly producing chlorophyll which gives them their green color. In the fall, longer nights trigger the formation of the abscission layer. This is essentially a thickened layer of cells at the base of the leaf where it attaches to the stem that blocks the transport of water and sugar into the leaf. Thin deciduous leaves won't survive the freezing temperatures of winter, so there's no reason to keep feeding them. Once chlorophyll synthesis stops, the green quickly disappears and other more persistent pigments become visible yellows, reds, purples. If the growing season is particularly dry, the abscission layer can form sooner and the leaves may turn color earlier or drop before a very brilliant display." Foliage season is difficult to predict in terms of length, as unexpected frosts cause leaves to drop quickly, so don't wait to get out there to enjoy it! To get a deeper look in the ecology and history of Lake Tahoe, join us for a guided hiking adventure. Hiking is a great way to get outside during these crisp fall days, and of course it maximizes your view of the gorgeous regional landscape!
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